I’ve been learning lots from my summer internship, and have discovered an extremely efficient but incredibly EVIL way of getting a nutritious filling meal for low cost. I have named this strategy Soup Scamming and it involves going to the soup counter, draining out the watery portions of a soup, and then only scooping the solid portions. This means you squeeze a full meal out of the soup of the day, but the poor schmuck who wants soup after you is only left with watery stuff. Below is a list of soups and their resulting outcomes after scamming.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Out of compassion for your fellow human beans you should NEVER do this…

Soup Scammer Schmuck
Chicken Noodle     Chicken Pasta Chicken Water
Minestrone Pasta in Red Sauce    Tomato Water
Pozole Maize and Meat Spicy Water
Chili Extra Meaty Chili Watery Chili
Clam Chowder Clam and Potatoes Clam-Flavored Cream