Finishing up 2016
After an almost year-long hiatus, I have returned to blogging, primarily to wrap up the list of resolutions I made at the start of the year. Most importantly, Resolution #1: Write at least one blog post per month remains unfulfilled. This means I have rougly 6 days to write 10 blog posts, or face the shame of becoming a loser that was unable to complete his New Years resolutions. The exception to this is the sub 5:00 resolution, since, as year 2016 progressed, I realized that I would rather run a couple seconds slower, and to pick up significantly heavier objects, than the opposite. Without TOOOT-ing my own horn too much, the fate of all unmentioned resolutions should be pretty clear ☺.
On an unrelated note, I am currently recreationally studying certain particular East-Asian languages. Perhaps future blog posts will feature use of this kind of stuff. 日本語の字が書ける…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!